Download AppSFDI (ver01) and Example Data
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The AppSFDI software will process standard SFDI datasets with the purpose of providing first, a reference processing software to process any SFDI data and second, reference data (raw and processed) to test new processing code.
The AppSFDI software will process any images acquired with the following properties:
- Spatial frequencies (fx): 0 and 0.2/mm
- Phases: 0, 120 and 240 degrees
- Images should be in uncompressed .tif format (any resolution / dynamic range
Two sets of acquisitions are necessary:
- One calibration set of 6 images should be taken using a tissue simulating phantoms
with known optical properties - One sample set of 6 images of the sample of interest
AppSFDI Example Data
- Images size is 672 x 512
- The example data reference phantom optical properties are:
- Absorption: 0.0059/mm
- Reduced scattering: 0.9748/mm
The resulting images consist of demodulated data (M_DC and M_AC for both the calibration and the sample), diffuse reflectance (R_DC and R_AC ) and optical properties are saved in uncompressed .tif format. The images can be visualized using ImageJ, Matlab, Pyhton, or any other software of your preference that can read uncompressed images of any format.