
openSFDI is a project of the Biomedical Optical Technologies Lab at Boston University. It was created in collaboration with the University of Maine, the Neurophotonics Center at Boston University, Linköping University, and the University of Strasbourg.


If you found this project helpful in your work. Please use the following citation:

Matthew B. Applegate, Kavon Karrobi, Joseph P. Angelo Jr., Wyatt Austin, Syeda M. Tabassum, Enagnon Aguénounon, Karissa Tilbury, Rolf B. Saager, Sylvain Gioux, Darren Roblyer, “OpenSFDI: an open-source guide for constructing a spatial frequency domain imaging system,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(1) 016002 (10 January 2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.25.1.016002


Questions, comments, or feedback? E-mail Matt Applegate at: mapple03@bu.edu

If you’ve built or used an OpenSFDI system please let us know. We’d love to include your work on our site!