
Check out the Blog for recent changes to openSFDI

Welcome to Open SFDI

Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging (SFDI) is a widefield diffuse optical technique that can separate absorption from scattering. It can be used to measure absolute concentrations of tissue components such as oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, lipids, and water. Check out the SFDI 101 page for more information on SFDI theory and applications.

openSFDI schematic
Schematic of the open SFDI platform

The goal of this site is to provide you everything you need to construct a basic 3 wavelength SFDI system suitable for monitoring changes in hemoglobin concentrations in living samples. Open SFDI, along with its inspiration, OpenSPIM, hopes to show that the concept of open source software can also be applied to hardware.

This site is always under construction, so check back for updates.


Send any problems, questions, or feedback to: mapple03@bu.edu

Let us know if you’ve built or used an OpenSFDI system. We’d love to include your work on our site!